
sexta-feira, julho 18, 2003

// posted by michael seufert @ 12:30

As t-shirts CCCP ou "The empire strikes back" 

Certamente já viram por aí aquelas t-shirts "CCCP". Pelo menos aqui no Porto vêem-se bastante.
Dei com este site na net, à procura da origem (certamente capitalista) do fenómeno.

Bom, cada t-shirt custa $30 (o mesmo em €'s), e o site percebe o que está a fazer, senão vejamos:

Let's start a revolution!

Russia .. or even more the former Soviet Union and Enemy No.1 of our parents is becoming a cult. The symbolism of the cyrillic SSSR (Union of soviet socialist republics, USSR), the hammer and sickle, the 5 point star, The Aeroflot Sign.. are still so strong that this Shirt is really an eye-catcher.

And there is an intelligent political sense behind it - also when in Russia the socialism failed and capitalism is taking over, it is maybe still the more reasoneable and more human system. A modern society should more go in this direction, where not only the rich rule and the rights for life and home and work are garanteed as basics - especially in times where the capitalism comes at its limits. Socialism means not at all KGB, control and suppression by the state etc (all the negative aspects we learned at school and which were reality under Stalin) it means (transposing the books by Lenin and Marx top the present time) focussing on life, culture, humanity, joy, love.

So this shirt can be worn with pride and it's surely a cool thing !

"Socialism means not at all KGB, control and suppression by the state - reality under Stalin". Pois, como bem sabemos, Nikita
Khruschev mal sucedeu a Stalin, dissolveu o KGB, convocou eleições e libertou os prisioneiros políticos.

Viva o capitalismo! O que diriam os dirigentes soviéticos se soubessem que por 30 doláres estariam à venda os seus síbolos? Provavelmente rir-se-iam a pensar na propaganda grátis (aliás, paga pelos propagandeantes) que iriam ter.

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